Creating Surveys


Surveys have a unique question type, Likert Scales, used to gauge attitudes and opinions on course activities and topics.

  1. From the Assessments menu, select Surveys.
  2. Select New Survey.
    Manage surveys with new survey button
  3. Enter a Name for the survey.
  4. Optional: Select the checkbox for give instant feedback.


    Any feedback entered for a question is instantly available to users taking the survey.

  5. Optional: Select the checkbox for make results anonymous.


    Instructors can view survey results without any association to who submitted the response. Once this option is selected, it is not reversible.

  6. Select Add/Edit Questions.
    Survey questions with add/edit questions button
  7. Select Done Editing Questions.
  8. On the Restrictions tab:
    • Check/Uncheck the Hide from Users option to make the survey available or unavailable.
    • Set Start/End Dates.
    Restrictions tab with options
  9. Select Save and Close.