Format Import Files

Respondus allows you to import the following file formats:

  • Plain text (.txt)
  • Rich-text (.rtf)
  • MS Word (.doc and .docx)
  • Tab/comma delimited (.csv) format
  • StudyMate Class format (.zip and .xml)

Respondus allows you to import the following question types:


Questions MUST BE formatted properly in order for the import process to work correctly.

Question Types – Specific Formatting Requirements

Before questions can be imported into Respondus they must be organized in a specific format. Each question type has required formatting elements that must be followed in order for the question to import properly.

Below are the specific formatting requirements for each question type that can be imported into a D2L course. An example of each question type is provided.

For All Question Types

  • Each question must begin with a question number, followed by either a period “.” or a parentheses “)”. The question wording must follow the question number. At least one space should be between the question number and the question wording.
  • Correct answers are identified by placing an asterisk (*) directly in front of the answer choice (unless otherwise instructed).
  • DO NOT put a space between the asterisk and the answer choice.
  • If a correct answer is not marked, Respondus will automatically select the letter “A” as the correct answer.
  • You will be warned if a question does not have an answer selected for it prior to completing the import.