D2L Procedures
LCC’s Course Management System (CMS) is D2L. All users must have a valid Username to receive access to D2L. All requests for access to D2L must be sent to the eLearning Department via a Service Request to the LCC Help Desk .
- All access for students in D2L is for non-editing purposes only and students must be enrolled in a specific course (CRN) in Banner to have access to that course.
- Students have access to their course(s) in D2L beginning at 8:00 am (EST) on the first day their course(s) are scheduled to start in Banner; access to course(s) will end two weeks after the end date listed in Banner unless an Incomplete is submitted and approved by the Instructor of Record in Banner.
- Instructor(s) and authorized staff will have access to their course site(s) for the upcoming semester within D2L no later than two weeks prior to the start of the new semester and for up to one year after the end date of the course in Banner. Exceptions to this procedure may be necessary due to system requirements.
- Access to course(s) can be given for mentoring purposes upon the request of the Supervisor or Dean.
- Supervisors, Deans, and Program/Department/Course Coordinators can request access to courses within their division and/or department during the evaluation semester(s) of the Instructor.
- Supervisors, Deans, and Program/Department/Course Coordinators can request access to courses within their division and/or department for the investigation of student complaints or appeals.
5Star Service Request Form: Add User to Course
Assistants, Tutors, and Interpreters
- Learning Assistants or Tutors being added to course(s) need to have the Learning Commons submit the request.
- Writing Assistants being added to course(s) need to have the Writing Center submit the request.
- Sign Language Interpreters being added to course(s) need to have the Primary Instructor submit the request.
5Star Service Request Form: Add User to Course
Master Courses
- LCC employees may request a Master Course only if they have completed D2L for Instructors Training within D2L.
- Instructors may request to copy a Master Course into their course with written approval by the Primary Instructor. No approval is necessary for copying Department or Program Master Courses.
- Deans, Program/Department Coordinators and Instructors can request access for non-editing purposes only to their Department Master Courses. Course Coordinators, Academic Team Leaders and Lead Instructors may be granted editing access to their Department Master Courses upon request from Deans, or Program/Department Coordinators.
- Instructors who request access to a Personal Master Courses may be granted access with written approval by the Primary Instructor and will be for non-editing purposes only unless specified by the Primary Instructor of the course.
- LCC employees who request access to Personal Master Courses for the purpose of checking accessibility may be granted with written approval by the Primary Instructor and will be for non-editing purposes only unless specified by the Primary Instructor.
5Star Service Request Form: Add User to Course
If editing rights are requested, the user needs to complete D2L for Instructors training within D2L.
Semester Courses
- Instructors may request to copy a Semester Course into their course with written approval by the Primary Instructor.
- Deans, Program/Department Coordinators and Instructors can request access for non-editing purposes only to their Semester Courses. Course Coordinators, Academic Team Leaders and Lead Instructors may be granted editing access to their Semester Courses upon request from Deans, or Program/Department Coordinators.
- Instructors who request access to a Semester Courses may be granted access with written approval by the Primary Instructor and will be for non-editing purposes only unless specified by the Primary Instructor of the course.
- LCC employees who request access to Semester Courses for the purpose of checking accessibility may be granted access with written approval by the Primary Instructor and will be for non-editing purposes only unless specified by the Primary Instructor.
5Star Service Request Form: Add User to Course
If editing rights are requested, the user needs to complete D2L for Instructors training within D2L.
- The Instructor of Record in Banner may request an extension for a student to finish an Incomplete in the course (CRN) that the student is registered in.
5Star Service Request Form: Incomplete