Tips for Improving Online Quizzes

When building assessments with the Quizzes tool in D2L, consider the following options to improve the assessment experience:

  1. Shuffle the order of questions.
    • Shuffling the order of questions presents a different question order for each student that takes the assessment, making it more difficult to share answers.
    • Questions can be shuffled by selecting the Shuffle questions at the quiz level checkbox on the Timing and Display tab of a quiz in D2L.
    • This can be taken a step further through the use of random question pools within a quiz, creating the possibility that students may not even see the same questions during an assessment.
    Quiz Timing Shuffle example
  2. Make use of time restrictions.
    • Using an enforced time limit reduces the time available for students to simply look up answers in a book or online and enter them into the assessment, reinforcing the importance of reviewing materials prior to the exam for students.
    • Students who require extra time for taking an assessment can be granted special access to a D2L quiz in order to have an extended time limit.
    • In the Timer Settings, you can choose between the quiz start being Asynchronous or Synchronous, and what happens to the quiz when the timer is up.

    Timer and display menu example
    Improving Timer Behavior menu example
  3. Use a variety of question types – There are more to D2L quizzes than multiple choice questions.
      Available question types include:
    • Multiple Choice
    • True or False
    • Fill in the blanks
    • Multi-Select
    • Matching
    • Ordering
    • Written Response
    • Short Answer
    • Arithmetic
    • Significant Figures
    • Multi-Short Answer

Using a variety of questions can help students demonstrate mastery of course content through more in-depth and original responses.