Grades Setup Wizard
If you have not previously setup your course gradebook, you will need to do so by working through the Gradebook Setup Wizard.
Getting Started:
- From the Navigation Bar, select Grades.
- Scroll down and select Start.
Working through Steps One – Seven:
- Step 1: Choose Grading System
- Select from Weighted, Points, or Formula.
- Select Continue.
- Step 2: Final Grade Released
- Select Calculated Final Grade or Adjusted Final Grade.
It is recommended to use Calculated Final Grade as this allows students to track their grade throughout the course.
- Select the checkbox to Automatically Release Final Grade.
This will release the final grade to allow students to track their grade throughout the course.
- Select Continue.
- Select Calculated Final Grade or Adjusted Final Grade.
- Step 3: Grade Calculations
- Select from Drop Ungraded Items.
- Check Automatically Keep Final Grade Updated.
- Select Continue.
- Step 4: Choose Default Grade Scheme
- Select from Percentage, 4.0, or Writing Scheme.
Percentage is the most recognized option by students.
- Select Continue.
- Select from Percentage, 4.0, or Writing Scheme.
- Step 5: Managing View Display Options
- Enter the Decimal Places to display.
Two decimal places is the most common.
- Select Continue.
- Enter the Decimal Places to display.
- Step 6: Student View Display Options
- Select from Points Grade, Grade Scheme Symbol, and/or Grade Scheme Color.
- For Decimals Displayed, enter the number of decimals to display to students.
The default is set at 2.
- For Character Displayed, enter the number of characters to display to students for Text items.
The default is set at 15.
- For Final Grade Calculation, select the checkbox for Display final grade calculation to users.
- Select Continue.
- Step 7: Grades Setup Summary
- Review the Grades Setup Summary.
- Select Finish to complete the gradebook setup, or Go Back if changes need to be made.
- Select Manage Grades at the top of the screen to begin to build your gradebook.