Badges & Certificates
Badges & Certificates
What are Awards?
- The Awards tool enables instructors to provide merit-based badges and certificates to students.
- Badges reflect student achievement of different milestones within the course. Certificates are often used to signify completion of an entire learning experience.
- Badges and certificates can be designed and linked to release conditions to allow for automatic awarding, or they can be manually granted.
- Badges and certificates do not contribute to the achievement of a passing grade.
Why use Awards?
- Reward students immediately after they have completed an activity or assignment.
- Build an element of gamification into the course to better engage students.
- Provide a celebration piece for the completion of an assignment or activity.
- Track student progress and development.
- Build a hands-off method of instant feedback.
How do Awards Impact Students?
- Students access badges and certificates via the Awards widget, the Awards link in the Online Tools menu of the D2L homepage, or Navbar link on the course homepage.
Student access will depend on how the instructor has added the Awards tool to the course.
- Students receive a pop-up notification identifying badges they have earned.
- Students can view awards they have earned, as well as those that they have yet to earn.
- Students can share earned awards to their profile.
Awards Tool Overview

- Classlist Awards: Lists all students enrolled in the course and the awards they have earned.
- Course Awards: Identifies the awards available to earn within a course. Also, provides instructors access to create new awards.
- My Awards: Lists the awards earned by the user.
Users can view awards earned for a current course, or view all badges earned in all courses.
- View Available Awards: Provides access to all awards created by all users.
Instructors can use awards created by another user; however, these awards cannot be edited. Only the award owner has edit rights. If an award owner edits their award, the edits will appear in any course using the award.