Engaging Students with Media
Using Video to Communicate Personalized Student Feedback in D2L
Video can be used to communicate personalized student feedback for course assignments, as well as overall course progress. This can be accomplished by adding a personalized feedback video to the ‘feedback’ area within the Enter Grades screen for Discussions and Assignment Folders, as well as items in the Gradebook, or communicate overall course progress by sending a feedback video to their D2L Email.
- Why use video to communicate student feedback?
- Strengthen communication skills
- Reach students with a variety of communication preferences
- Help students practice media literacy and critical viewing skills
- Review feedback multiple times, whenever & wherever, at their individual pace
- Increase instructor presence
- Increase instructor/student communication
- Types of Student Feedback Videos:
- Assignment Grades & Feedback: Provide a personalized video that discusses the overall assignment grade, as well as specific examples where a student met or exceeded expectations, and specific examples where the student has room for improvement.
- Personal “How-To” Video: Provide a personalized video for a student who might be struggling with a course concept.
- Overall Course Progress Feedback: Provide a personalized video at various points throughout the semester (Week 3, Week
8, Week 13, and Week 16) or after major course milestones (first major exam, mid-term,
first major project).
- Is the student behind on any assignments?
- Is there something the student can do to improve their grade?
- Do you have any suggestions for the student?