Edit Video Quiz

  1. From the D2L My Home page, select My Media.
  2. From My Media, locate the video quiz to be edited.
  3. Select on the video thumbnail to open the video.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Launch Editor.
    Launch Editor from the Actions menu.
    • Editing Options:
    • Edit Quiz Questions: Select a blue icon along the media timeline to open a question. Make changes as needed, then select Save.
    • Delete Quiz Questions: Select a blue icon along the media timeline to open a question. Select Delete to permanently remove the question.
      Blue Icons appear on the Media Timeline where questions have been added.
    • Editing a Video Quiz Name and/or Welcome Message: Select Details, Scores, or Experience and make edits as needed.
      Select Details, Score, or Experience to edit the quiz settings.
  5. Select Done to save all changes.