Create Video Quiz

  1. Select from the D2L My Home page, select My Media.
  2. From My Media, locate the video you wish to create a quiz for.
  3. Select the video thumbnail to open the video.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Launch Editor.
    Launch Editor from the Actions menu.
  5. Select the Video Quiz icon.


    This will open the Video Quiz Editor.

    Select the Quiz Icon to open the Quiz Editor.
  6. Select Start.
  7. Enter the Quiz Details, Scores, and Experience preferences.
    Select Details, Score, or Experience to edit the quiz settings.
    • To Add a Question:
    • Start playing the video.
    • Pause the video exactly where you want to add a question.
    • Select Add a Question.
      Select Add a Quesiton.
    • Select one of the Question Types
      • Multiple Choice
      • True/False
      • Reflection Point


        Reflection Point is a no response question type, it is intended to provide a pause for reflection.

      • Open Question


        Open Question allows the quiz taker the option to enter any response, and after the quiz is submitted, the quiz owner can review the answer.

      Screenshot of Question Types in the Quiz Question Editor.


    The Reflection Point and Open Question types are not gradable question types.

  8. Enter the question and answer choices in the appropriate text fields.


    Select the plus-sign to add additional answer choices.

  9. Select Save to add the question to the quiz.
  10. A blue icon will appear on the Media Timeline for each question.
    Blue Icons appear on the Media Timeline where questions have been added.
  11. Review the questions by hovering the mouse over the blue icons. A pop-up window will display the question as well as the time it appears in the video.
  12. Select Done.
  13. The video quiz is now complete and can be accessed in Kaltura My Media.