Pinning and Unpinning Courses

Users can pin/unpin courses within the My Courses Widget. Courses that have been pinned will appear first within the My Courses widget, followed by unpinned current and future courses.

Please Note the following:

  • Pinned courses will appear with the most recently pinned course at the beginning of the My Courses Widget.
  • The My Courses Widget will display up to 12 unpinned courses. The order in which these courses display is current courses followed by future courses.
    Pinned courses reveal a small pushpin icon while unpinned courses do not.
  • Users can pin more than 12 courses to display in the My Courses Widget, if more than 12 courses are pinned, unpinned future and current courses will not display in the My Courses Widget.
  • Unpinned semester courses will appear in the My Courses Widget for 2 weeks after their scheduled end date in Banner.