
The Reporting tool provides a useful interface through which instructors can create reports detailing system activity. Use the reporting tool to create reports by selecting from a wide variety of data and shape reports through filters and other parameters.

D2L Data and Reporting Options

D2L Tool Tool Summary
Class Progress View a summary of students’ overall progress in a course with Class Progress.
Completion Summary View student completion activity for each content item within a Content module.
Content Reports View Content items visited, and average time spent for items within Content, as well as statistics by student.
Discussions Statistics View discussion statistics by student, or by forum/topic.
Enrollment Statistics View grade, attendance, and last date of access for withdrawn students from the Classlist.
Grades Statistics View class or user statistics for grade items in the D2L gradebook.
Data Dashboards View data points for how students engage with D2L courses, and evaluate quiz quality.
Learning Outcomes View course learning outcome alignment with achievement tracking.
Quiz Statistics View user stats, question stats and question details for Quizzes. Note: Quiz statistics are unavailable if the quiz is set up using question pools.
Rubric Statistics View overall, criteria, or individual stats for rubrics.