Usage Procedures

Access Procedures

All requests for access to the Course Management System (CMS) must be sent to the eLearning Department via a Service Request to the LCC Help Desk.

Access Procedures | 1-16

LCC’s Course Management System (CMS) is D2L.

LCC’s Student Information System (SIS) is Banner.

  1. All individuals must have a valid Username to receive access to the CMS.
  2. All access for students in the CMS will be for non-editing purposes only and students must be enrolled in a specific course (CRN) in Banner to have access to that course.
  3. Students will have access to their course(s) in the CMS beginning at 8:00 am (EST) on the first day their course(s) are scheduled to start in the Banner; access to course(s) will end two weeks after the end date listed in Banner unless an Incomplete is submitted and approved by the Instructor of Record in Banner.
  4. Instructor(s) and authorized staff will have access to their course site(s) for the upcoming semester within the CMS no later than two weeks prior to the start of the new semester and for up to one year after the end date of the course in Banner. Exceptions to this procedure may be necessary due to system requirements.
  5. The Instructor of Record in Banner may request an extension for a student to finish an Incomplete in the course (CRN) that the student is registered in.
  6. Instructors who need Learning Assistants or Tutors added to their course(s) need to have Tutoring Services (Learning Commons) submit the request.
  7. Instructors who need Writing Assistants added to their course(s) need to have the Writing Center submit the request.
  8. Instructors who need Sign Language Interpreters (must be an LCC employee) added to their course(s) need to have the Instructor of Record in the Banner submit the request.
  9. Divisional Deans, Associate Deans, Program/Department Coordinators and Instructors can request access for non-editing purposes only to their Department Master Courses. Course Coordinators, Academic Team Leaders and Lead Instructors may be granted editing access to their Department Master Courses or Semester Courses upon request from their Divisional Dean, Associate Dean, or Program/Department Coordinator.
  10. Instructors may request to copy a Semester or Master Course (other than their own) into their course on a semester-by-semester basis with written approval by the Instructor of Record in Banner. No approval is necessary for copying Department or Program Master Courses.
  11. LCC employees may request a Master Course only if they have completed the D2L for Instructors (Instructor Training) within the CMS.
  12. Instructors who request access to other courses or individual Master Courses (other than their own) may be granted access on a semester-by-semester basis with written approval by the Instructor of Record in Banner and will be for non-editing purposes only unless specified by the Instructor of the course. If editing rights are requested the user needs to complete the D2L for Instructors training within the CMS.
  13. Divisional Instruction Leaders will be given access to courses within their division and/or department for mentoring purposes only upon request from the Divisional Dean.
  14. All D2L courses and course materials should be designed with accessibility requirements in mind to ensure courses are accessible for all students. Divisional Deans, Associate Deans, and Program/Department Coordinators can request access to courses within their division and/or department for accessibility review.
  15. Employees who request access to other courses or individual Master Courses for the purpose of checking accessibility may be granted access on a semester-by-semester basis with written approval by the Instructor of Record in Banner and will be for non-editing purposes only unless specified by the Instructor of the course. If editing rights are requested the user needs to complete the D2L for Instructors training within the CMS.
  16. Divisional Deans, Associate Deans, and Program/Department Coordinators can request access to courses within their division and/or department during the evaluation semester(s) of the Instructor or for the investigation of student complaints or appeals.

Gradebook Procedures

D2L is provided to all faculty to use for the purpose of recording grades electronically. The following criteria must be satisfied by all faculty.

Gradebook Procedures | 1-4
  1. The section syllabus must clearly inform students how to access and interpret the grades, scores, and marks posted in the gradebook. Interpretation of scores, grades, or other marks listed in a gradebook requires knowledge of the individual course syllabus, especially during mid-semester.
  2. Whenever practicable, results for graded items prior to course completion should be posted electronically within 48 hours after the Instructor has completed the grading process for the items, and final grades for the course should be entered no later than the specified grading day.
  3. Results for all graded items in all sections will be electronically accessible to students 24/7 during the semester on a secure site where they are not accessible to other students or the general public.
  4. In addition to being accessible to the student and the grading Instructor, the graded items posted in the gradebook must be accessible to designated LCC personnel so that continuity can be maintained if, for any reason, the faculty member is not able to serve as Instructor of the section for the entire duration of the course.

Faculty should work with their direct supervisors to ensure that the above criteria are met. The goal is to provide timely and meaningful feedback to students on their progress. Nothing in this procedure/process is to be interpreted as saying that feedback can only be provided by graded items.

Kaltura Storage Management Procedures

Video assets stored in Kaltura will be deleted if the video has not been accessed/played in four (4) years.

Course Size Limit Procedures

A 700 MB course size limit is administered on all Course Management System (CMS) course sites in order to maintain the highest level of functionality.

View Best Practices for D2L Course Size Management

As a result of this procedure: Once a course exceeds the limit, the Instructor will be notified and/or assisted by a member of the eLearning staff to develop and execute a plan that fits the needs of the course.

System-Wide Announcements Procedures

System-wide Announcements in the Course Management System (CMS) are to communicate critical academic or system-related information to students and Instructors. All requests to post system-wide Announcements will be approved by the Director of the eLearning Department.

System-Wide Groups Procedures

Group Sites in the Course Management System (CMS) are to be used for communicating with and distributing content and information to students and Instructors related to academic courses. All requests for the creation of Group Sites will be approved by the Director of the eLearning Department.

LCC employees may be added to a Group Sites as Group Editors only if they have completed the assigned Course Management System (CMS) D2L for Instructors (Instructor Training).

D2L Integrations

All new D2L Integrations must be requested via the Help Desk. D2L integrations and timelines must be approved by the Director of the eLearning Department. D2L software integrations must be thoroughly tested by the CMS administrator(s) as well as the requestor before they are integrated into D2L.