Recording Audio or Video for Discussions


Recording Audio works in Chrome, Edge, Safari and Internet Explorer. It Does NOT work with Firefox. Students can record audio in discussions, assignments, and email within a course.

  1. From the Assessments or Communication drop-down menus, select Discussions.
  2. Select the Topic you wish to record audio for.
  3. Select Start a New Thread.
  4. Enter a Subject and Text into the editor.
  5. Select Record drop-down, in the Attachments section, then select Record Audio or Record Video.
    The Record Audio option is located within the Add Attachments options.
  6. Select Allow to allow to access your computer’s microphone or camera.
  7. When you are ready to begin recording, select New Recording.


    Your recorded message must be less than thirty minutes.

  8. Speak into the microphone.
  9. When finished, select Stop Recording to stop the recording.
  10. Select Add.
  11. Optional Step: Add title and description of audio recording.
  12. Select Post.
  13. Select Save.
  14. Select Post.