Editing Kaltura Media
- From the D2L My Home page, select My Media.
- From the My Media gallery, locate the video to be edited.
- Select on the video thumbnail to open the video.
- From the Actions menu, select Launch Editor.
- Select the Media Timeline.
- Move the orange bars on the ends of the Media Timeline to the desired beginning and/or end of the video.
- Select Save to save your changes.
- To chop a video select the desired location on the Media Timeline to move the Real Time Marker to that location.
- Select the Scissor icon on the Real Time Marker to divide the video into sections.
- Slide the Real Time Marker to the end of the portion you wish to chop from the Media Timeline.
- Select the Scissor icon on the Real Time Marker to divide the video into three sections.
- Select the section you wish to remove and then select the Delete icon.
- To create a smoother transition between the sections you can select the Fade In/Out icon.
- To add the fade to the end of section enter a number of seconds you want to Fade Out
- Select Save.