Manually Grading Quizzes

Manually Grading Quizzes by User

  1. From the Assessments menu, select Quizzes.
  2. Select the drop-down menu for the quiz to be graded, then select Grade. Screenshot of Quiz option dropdown menu, indicating Grade item selected.
  3. Locate the student and select the Attempt to be graded. Screenshot of student attempt to be graded.
  4. Enter the Score (Points) for each question.
  5. Use the Attempt Feedback text box to add written feedback for each question. NOTE: You may need to expand this section in order to see the text box.
  6. Select Update.
  7. Repeat Steps 3 – 7 for each student attempt to be graded.

Manually Grading Quizzes by Question

  1. From the Assessments menu, select Quizzes.
  2. Select the drop-down menu for the quiz to be graded, then select Grade. Screenshot of Quiz option dropdown menu, indicating Grade item selected.
  3. Select the Questions Tab. Screenshot of Questions Tab selected.
  4. Select the Question to be graded.
  5. Enter the Score (Points) for each user. NOTE: The number of users viewed per page can be changed using the drop-down menu. Screenshot of Grade Question dialogue box, showing you can change number of users viewed per page.
  6. Use the Feedback text box to add written feedback. NOTE: You may need to expand this section in order to see the text box.
  7. Select Save.