Grades Setup Wizard

NOTE: If you have not previously setup your course gradebook, you will need to do so by working through the Gradebook Setup Wizard.

Getting Started:

  1. From the Navigation Bar, select Grades. Course Nav Bar with Grades selected.
  2. Scroll down and select Start.

Working through Steps One – Seven:

    1. Step 1: Choose Grading System
    2. Select from Weighted, Points, or Formula.
    3. Select Continue.
    1. Step 2: Final Grade Released
    2. Select Calculated Final Grade or Adjusted Final Grade. NOTE: It is recommended to use Calculated Final Grade as this allows students to track their grade throughout the course.
    3. Select the checkbox to Automatically Release Final Grade. NOTE: This will release the final grade to allow students to track their grade throughout the course.
    4. Select Continue.
    1. Step 3: Grade Calculations
    2. Select from Drop Ungraded Items.
    3. Check Automatically Keep Final Grade Updated.
    4. Select Continue.
    1. Step 4: Choose Default Grade Scheme
    2. Select from Percentage, 4.0, or Writing Scheme. NOTE: Percentage is the most recognized option by students.
    3. Select Continue.
    1. Step 5: Managing View Display Options
    2. Enter the Decimal Places to display. NOTE: Two decimal places is the most common.
    3. Select Continue.
    1. Step 6: Student View Display Options
    2. Select from Points Grade, Grade Scheme Symbol, and/or Grade Scheme Color.
    3. For Decimals Displayed, enter the number of decimals to display to students. NOTE: The default is set at 2.
    4. For Character Displayed, enter the number of characters to display to students for Text items. NOTE: The default is set at 15.
    5. For Final Grade Calculation, select the checkbox for Display final grade calculation to users.
    6. Select Continue.
    1. Step 7: Grades Setup Summary
    2. Review the Grades Setup Summary.
    3. Select Finish to complete the gradebook setup, or Go Back if changes need to be made.
    4. Select Manage Grades at the top of the screen to begin to build your gradebook.