D2L Accessibility Checker

  1. Type or copy/paste content into the HTML Editor.
  2. Select the More Actions icon and then select the Check Accessibility icon to review the HTML content for accessibility compliance. Example of HTML Document.
  3. The Accessibility Checker will indicate if any issues are detected. If issues are detected the Accessibility Checker will offer suggestions to fix the identified accessibility issue(s).
  4. If no issues are detected a message will appear that indicates the content conforms to accessibility rules. Pop-up Showing No Accessibility Issues Detected.
  5. If issues are detected a message will appear that indicates how the content does not meet guidelines and suggests a way to fix the issue.
    • Select the X to close out the box and repair the issue or Ignore to disregard the fix.
    • Use the Previous Issue and Next Issue buttons to move forward and backward between all detected issues and suggested fixes.
    Pop-up showing an accessibility error.