Self-Paced Trainings

A variety of self-paced trainings are available in D2L to support the use of D2L and other online resources. Use the links in the training description to self-enroll, or follow the instructions to self-enroll directly in D2L. Once enrolled, trainings can be accessed within the My Courses widget on the D2L Home page.

New Trainings

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Training

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Training provides guidelines for understanding and using generative AI ethically and effectively, when it is appropriate. You’ll develop critical skills for evaluating generative content and biases in AI systems. You will also learn best practices for transparently generating content while avoiding misrepresentation or plagiarism. Above all, this training aims to empower you as responsible users of AI who uphold academic integrity.

Estimated Completion Time: 30-45 minutes

Enroll in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Training

Enhancing D2L Course Content with Creator+

Enhancing D2L Course Content with Creator+ is a self-paced training to demonstrate the interactive teaching and learning tools available to incorporate into D2L Content Files to increase engagement opportunities for students, as well as enhance course design and delivery! In addition, learn about how to display and organize course content using the Layouts feature.

Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

Enroll in Enhancing D2L Course Content with Creator+

Other Trainings Available

Automating Communications in D2L with Intelligent Agents

Automating Communications in D2L with Intelligent Agents — Aims to bring awareness to the Intelligent Agents tool in D2L. Learn more about how to access and set up automated alerts and communications in D2L courses, as well as various methods for utilizing Intelligent Agents to enhance instructor presence, communication, and student engagement.

Estimated Completion Time: < 30 minutes

Enroll in Automating Communications in D2L with Intelligent Agents

Engaging Students in D2L

Engaging Students in D2L Training provides a technical overview and demonstration of the D2L tools and third party integrations, available to Instructors and students that can be used to enhance engagement and support learning. The training focuses on three types of engagement, including Instructor-to-Student Engagement, Student-to-Student Engagement, and Student-to-Content Engagement.

Estimated Completion Time: 45 minutes

Enroll in Engaging Students in D2L

Making Respondus 4.0 Work for You

Making Respondus 4.0 Work for You — Assists Instructors with using the Respondus 4.0 software to manage test banks, import exam files, and export quizzes to D2L. This training covers how to install and configure the software, and includes practice exercises for familiarizing Instructors with the basic functionality of Respondus 4.0.

Estimated Completion Time: < 30 minutes

Enroll in Making Respondus 4.0 Work for You

Providing Feedback to Students in D2L

Providing Feedback to Students in D2L — Highlights the areas in D2L where instructors can provide student feedback, as well as provide examples of the types of feedback that can be left in the different assessment areas of D2L.

Estimated Completion Time: 15-20 minutes

Enroll in Providing Feedback to Students in D2L

Six Challenges Students Face with the Setup of D2L Course Gradebooks

Six Challenges Students Face with the Setup of D2L Course Gradebooks — Focuses on six challenges students face with the setup of D2L course gradebooks. This training will discuss how each challenge can cause hardships for students, as well as provide a recommended fix. In addition, this training explains the importance of reviewing D2L gradebook settings to ensure the D2L gradebook equally supports both Instructors and students.

Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes

Enroll in Six Challenges Students Face with the Setup of D2L Course Gradebooks

D2L for Instructors ( -- Required -- )

D2L for Instructors is an interactive training designed to help Instructors become familiar with the tools and features of the Course Management System, currently D2L, in order to create and teach courses using D2L. Topics include how to set up a grade book, adding content to a course, building assessments, communication options, and accessibility.

Estimated Completion Time: 50-60 minutes

Using Kaltura in D2L Courses

Using Kaltura in D2L Courses Training assists Instructors with creating Kaltura multimedia (video, audio, screen capture) for D2L courses. Kaltura is a video platform that allows Instructors and students to create, store, and stream multimedia in D2L courses. Learn how to create multimedia to increase engagement, Instructor presence, and collaboration in course curriculum. This training provides an overview of Kaltura in D2L, including recording options, tools, and pedagogical strategies to support teaching and learning in an online environment.

Estimated Completion Time: 45-60 minutes

Enroll in Using Kaltura in D2L Courses

Using WebEx in D2L Courses

Using WebEx in D2L Courses Training assists Instructors with incorporating WebEx sessions into D2L courses to increase instructor presence, encourage collaboration between Instructors and students, as well as enhance the overall teaching and learning experience. The training provides an overview of WebEx in D2L, including session options, tools, and pedagogical strategies to support teaching and learning in an online environment.

Estimated Completion Time: 45-60 minutes

Enroll in Using WebEx in D2L Courses

Adding New Widgets to Homepages in D2L

Adding New Widgets to Homepages in D2L is self-paced learning experience designed assist instructors with becoming familiar with widgets in D2L that do not appear on the default course homepage. The training will also present the process for creating a custom course homepage and adding new widgets to a course.

Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes

Enroll in Adding New Widgets to Homepages in D2L

D2L Course Design Training

The D2L Course Design Training is a self-paced learning experience designed to assist instructors with the planning, design, and delivery of online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses in D2L. This training aligns with the D2L Course Design Guidelines.

Estimated Completion Time: 2-5 hours

Enroll in the D2L Course Design Training