Stop, Limit, or Edit Share Settings

Stop Sharing a Document with a User

The owner and users with edit access can change the sharing settings for a document.

  1. From Google Drive, locate the document you wish to stop sharing.
  2. Select Share. Icon to show Google documents shared privately.
  3. From the Share with others options, select Advanced. Google's Advanced Sharing button
  4. Select the X for each user you wish to stop sharing with. Removing permissions from a user.
  5. Select Save Changes.
  6. Select Done.

Limit Access to a Document

  1. From Google Drive, locate the document you wish to limit access.
  2. Select Share. Icon to show Google documents shared privately.
  3. From the Share with others options, select Advanced. Google's Advanced Sharing button
  4. Select from the Owner Settings options:
    • Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people.
    • Disable options to download, print, and copy for commenters and viewers.
    Editing a user's permissions.
  5. Select Save Changes.
  6. Select Done.

Allow User Access to a Document for Limited Time

  1. From Google Drive, locate the document you wish give a user access to for a limited time.
  2. Select Share. Icon to show Google documents shared privately.
  3. From the Share with others options, select Advanced. Google's Advanced Sharing button
  4. Hover your mouse over the username, then select the stop watch icon to set an expiration date. Setting up an expiration to the Sharing Permissions.
  5. Select from the default date options or set a custom date. Select the amount of time to allow a user the defined permissions.
  6. Select Save Changes.
  7. Select Done.

Edit User Share Settings

  1. From Google Drive, locate the document you wish to edit share settings for.
  2. Select Share. Icon to show Google documents shared privately.
  3. From the Share with others options, select Advanced. Google's Advanced Sharing button
  4. Select the User Edit menu, then select the new share settings- Is owner, can edit, comment, or view only. Note: There can only be one owner per document. If you pass ownership to another user, you cannot get ownership back unless the new owner passes ownership back to you. Selecting the edit icon allows changing permissions for the user.
  5. Select Save Changes.
  6. Select Done.