Bookmarking Webpages

About Bookmarks: A bookmark saves an Internet location to return to at a later time.

Bookmarking in Google Chrome

Chrome icon.
    To Add a Bookmark in Google Chrome:
  1. Navigate to the page you want to bookmark.
  2. Select the Star icon, or use the keyboard commandCtrl (⌘ on Mac) + D.
  3. If desired, rename the bookmark.
  4. Select Done.
    To Access a Bookmark in Google Chrome:
  1. Select the Chrome Menu icon (Chrome menu icon.).
  2. Select Bookmarks.
  3. Select Bookmarks Manager.

Bookmarking in Microsoft Edge

Edge icon.
    To Add a Bookmark in Microsoft Edge:
  1. Navigate to the page you want to bookmark.
  2. Select the Star icon, or use the keyboard commandCtrl (⌘ on Mac) + D.
  3. If desired, rename the bookmark.
  4. Select Add.
    To Access a Bookmark in Microsoft Edge:
  1. Select the Hub icon (Microsoft Edge Hub icon.).
  2. Select the desired bookmark from the list.

Bookmarking in Firefox

Firefox icon.
    To Add a Bookmark in Firefox:
  1. Navigate to the page you want to bookmark.
  2. Select the Star icon, or use the keyboard commandCtrl (⌘ on Mac) + D.
  3. If desired, rename the bookmark.
  4. Select Done.
    To Access a Bookmark in Firefox:
  1. Select the Library icon ().
  2. Select Bookmarks.

Bookmarking in Safari

Safari icon.
    To Add a Bookmark in Safari:
  1. Navigate to the page you want to bookmark.
  2. Select the Share button (Safari share icon.) in the toolbar.
  3. Select Add Bookmark.
  4. If desired, rename the bookmark.
  5. Select Add.
    To Access a Bookmark in Safari:
  1. Select the Sidebar button (Safari sidebar icon.) in the toolbar.
  2. Select the Bookmarks button ( Safari bookmarks icon. ).